Spring Brings Hail Insurance and Replant Decisions

Water standing in a field
13 Apr 2021

Hopefully winter has fully passed and the ground warms for spring planting. Soon enough crops will be growing. Now is the time to consider adding hail insurance coverage to your policy. There are a wide variety of products to choose from, including basic coverage to plans that have different deductibles or companion plans. There are also plans to help cover the loss of green snap, wind, and extra harvest expense on corn. Even before your crop is planted you can bind coverage. However, you’ll need to make sure to have it in place before the storm clouds roll in and damage your crops. With that said, now is the time to have that discussion with your insurance specialist.

Another possible issue in spring may be the need to replant your crop. Keep in mind that there are some guidelines on your multi-peril crop insurance policy for replanting. One of the most important actions you can take is contacting your insurance specialist prior to replanting so the company can be notified, and you receive authorization prior to replanting the crop. If you replant without authorization, the acreage will be considered destroyed without consent and no replant payment will be made.

Replanting refers to reseeding the same crop to the same physical location. Planting to a different crop in not considered a replant. 

Replant payments are available on Revenue Protection and Yield Protection buy-up policies only. Listed below are a few other things that determine whether you will need to replant and when no replant payment will be paid.

It will be considered practical to replant if:

  • It is within 10 days of the final plant date.
  • It is physically possible to replant the acreage.
  • Seed germination, emergence and formation of a healthy plant is likely.
  • Field, soil, and growing conditions allow for proper planting and growth to maturity.

No replanting payments will be made on acreage:

  • That does not meet the 20/20 rule (20 acres of 20% of the planted acreage in the unit).
  • Where the appraisal of crop potential exceeds 90% of the guarantee.
  • The crop was initially planted prior to the earliest plant date listed in Special Provisions.
  • On which one replanting payment has already been allowed for the crop year.
  • The company determines it is not practical to replant.

Replant payments for Revenue Protection and Yield Protection are calculated using the projected price. There is no additional payment if the crop has a higher harvest price. The insured’s actual cost for replanting is not considered (except for sugar beets) and it is not necessary to provide proof of actual costs. Seed receipts are still required for self-certification replants. There are a variety of crops that qualify for replant and they have different payments. Please check your policy provisions.

If you have any questions regarding hail insurance or replant rules, please contact your local AgCountry office.

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Written By: Mary Brost
Insurance Specialist - Medford